Berry Chuckers - 3D Asset BreakDown
Player Character "Jelly" Animations
I did all of the animation, materials, UV, and rigging for the Berry Chuckers player character. I used Maya, and overall my team and I were very satisfied with the results.

The idle animation was the first animation I worked on for this project and my intention behind it was to show how jelly like the character was. I referenced lots of different videos of gels and jellos jiggling, and the result is above.

The movement animation was heavily based upon both an inch worm and a snail. I wanted it to have a very characteristically striking movement to it.

The jump animation was probably the most fun to animate. I loved making the bottom of the jelly wobble back and forth, and seeing the final product was extremely satisfying.

The pick up animation was a rather tricky one to work on. Having the character bend over seemed like it would be easy when I started, however time proved me wrong. While animating the bend of the jelly, I discovered and corrected a few flaws in my skin weights.

The passing animation was designed with the intention of showcasing the large arc of the berry over the court. In order to best represent this I created an animation similar to the jump animation except with the body planted to better emphasize how the berry is forcefully launched into the air.

The shooting animation was tricky, I fussed around with numerous animations of the jelly winding up a shot like a pitcher and then launching the ball, however they all looked very strange. I ended up with this animation, where the jelly pulls back and twists similar to a cannon or a spring, and then jolts backwards from the recoil of launching the berry.
Only Assets Created by joseph ballantyne are showcased

Screenshot of Maya hierarchy

Screenshot of Maya hierarchy