Radiant - 2D Design ASset Breakdown
The Player Character
Original Player Character Designs

The final player character model for Radiant
In the first iteration of Radiant, we planned to have four different character concepts (Wisp, Chandelier, Lantern, and Candle). This was done in an effort to help players identify themselves as players could not choose character color or spawn location. We knew that we wanted to have a fire based theme, with the only other requirement being superb animations.
As the animation process went on, we decided to remove all other characters except the Wisp as they had much stiffer frames. The trade-off of having less characters was worth it for one fully fleshed out character. We also knew that it would help with game optimization if all the characters shared a base model.

This was the second of the Chandelier character concepts. I redesigned it to have more or a face in an attempt to bring it to life.

I wanted the lantern to have some resemblance to a bat because the game takes place inside of a cave.

The original main player concept for the game was this candle.
environmental Assets

A rock with crystals

Another rock with crystals. I also worked on a lot of different dirt textures to add variety and break up the tile set.



These ethereal torches give light via white hot metal prongs

Players collect these crystals to gain points and win the round!

Fast moving and damaging to the player when touched, the Crycikal is one of the most threatening enemies in Radiant

Concepted partially as a joke, this enemy actually became one of Radiant teams' favorites because of how expressive it was in action

This was the first enemy we formulated, but unfortunately due to its complex attacking mechanic we did not have time to implement it into the game in the one week time span of sprint week. This character is an area of denial enemy, firing bouncing balls of watery jelly down the hallways. We also wanted the character to charge the player and spike it with its horns.
Final Enemy Designs

The Treasure Cart is a highly desirable objective for players as it has a high crystal count.
The goal of Radiant is to collect as many crystals as possible within a time limit. To spice the game up, we added 4 crystal caches to the level, all of which provide a player with 50 crystals. This leads to some interesting player strategies as obtaining the Treasure Cart paints a target over their head but it also greatly increases their chance of winning.