Lanternesk - 2D Design ASset Breakdown
The Player Character

This character was later replaced by a more readable model with an overall better rig

This was the character that was settled on as it had better readability and a wider appeal.
The initial character design had the player holding a shield and a sword. The model was also bulkier and had more detail and complex shapes overall. This ended up limiting the readability of the player character and the arbitrary addition of a sword and shield when the player could not attack was unneccessary.
As a result of this I greatly simplified and streamlined the character to the final version above.

A closer look at the large platform in Lanternesk, which consists of 3 major layers in render order: 0 - Background / Base 1 - Foreground spikes and rocks 2 - Glow

Medium platform consisting of two major layers in render order: 0 - Background base platform 1 - Glow

Small platform consisting of two major layers in render order: 0 - Background base platform 1 - Glow

In the end this was the character that was settled on, as it had better readability and a wider appeal.
Player Animations

Idle animation for the Lanternesk player character. It was the first animation that I worked on for the character and set the mood of the characters movement in all of his following animations.

I designed the walk animation second. It was intended to be blended perfectly into the idle animation. Part of the way the animations flow together is they both have the same starting pose.

There is no preparatory movement for the Dash animation as in game there is no delay between pressing the dash key and dashing itself.

The Jump much like the dash also lacks any kind of preparatory motions.
UI Elements

The spine obstacle has an animated glow within Unity, and was attached to a particle system which spawned physics particles that could bounce off of objects and interact with the environment.