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Designed during sprint week at Sheridan College where students are given a theme and one week to produce of game, Radiant is a team based game that can support up to  80 players. 


The game was designed using the Happy Fun Times integration with Unity. Players can connect to the game using their phones, and everyone shares a single screen. 


In Radiant players all spawn on the edge of a maze designed to look like a mining shaft. They then venture into the center of the maze fighting monsters which drop crystals when they are defeated. Each player has their crystal count displayed over their head and other players can kill them for half of their crystals. 

I was the manager of my team during sprint week in part because my team decided to use my game concept. As manager and a key contributor for the project, I was responsible for the following: 


> Managing the distribution of work and ensuring the project was                progressing according to timelines

> Helping in Assembling the master code and final build

> Assisted in programming the game manager

> Assisted in programming the interface between the Happy Fun Times      character controller and Unity

> Designing all the characters & enemies

   > Animating the enemy bucket walk cycle

   > Overseeing our animators work on my designs

> Designing ~90% of all environmental assets

> Designing, assembling, and coding all non-phone on-screen UI

> Rigging all hit box animations

When designing this game we went through several different iterations of characters, enemies and secondary game mechanics. 


One of our main mechanics in Radiant was the light system. Initially, all of the characters were all going to be lanterns or creatures that emit some form of light. The idea was that while each player is trying to gather crystals to win they could also group together with other players to increase the strength of their light pool and reveal more of the maze. This allows the group to see mobs sooner and find crystal caches easier. 


I created concept art for all characters designed around light sources which included a lantern, chandelier, candle, and wisp. 


Unfortunately, once implemented, it became clear that reading these characters on the screen and distinguishing them from their surroundings was very hard. The fire wisp was the only character design without this problem and due to the end of sprint week rapidly approaching we decided to cut the other characters from the game. 


Enemies initially were going to be more classic dungeon crawler opponents such as spiders and jellies. When we solidified around using only the fire wisp character, the group and I decided that it would make more sense for the game if the enemies were simply water and crystal based. After this I designed the Crystalite enemy and Buckett.


My Contributions

Link To: Radiant 2D Asset Breakdown

Designing Radiant

Link To: Radiant 2D Asset Breakdown

When designing Radiant we were inspired by an older game called Gauntlet. I took this into consideration during the design process for the UI. The banner in particular was designed to pay homage to the arcade version of Gauntlet.

Only Assets Created by joseph ballantyne are showcased

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